Shop Flags have become an important tool for communicating real time RO status in EDGE, especially between the Service and Parts Departments. A Tech (or any user) can simply click on on the Shop Flag column header to sort their RO list by shop flags. We have learned from user feedback, especially among technicians and Parts users that they rely on this simple function tremendously to help them prioritize and manage their workload during busier days when their active RO list really begins to grow.
Some users have commented that the shop flags do not always appear to sort correctly. This is most likely because the EDGE administrator in your shop (usually a Service Manager, Director, or FOD) may have
recently edited the shop flag you are sorting by. Edits to Shop Flags only apply to new ROs after the edit. This means ROs with the "newly edited" flag will sort apart from ROs using the "old version flag".
We appreciate user feedback! We plan on addressing this issue in a new release of EDGE. Please always know that your comments are carefully reviewed - your input matters - a lot!